Friday, October 15, 2010

What we're made of...Pt 1 - Whiskey

No, we're not really made of whiskey, but in the Irish language whiskey translates as Uisce beatha (roughly pronounced Ish-ka ba-ha) which literally means the water of life. So you've probably guessed what's coming next.

Yep, water. Plain ole H2O. We are made up of about 80% water. It's vital for absolutely every thing we do; even when we aren't doing anything; every time we exhale (about 12 times per min for resting adults) we exhale about 5% water vapor. Water in the blood(plasma) carries nutrients & oxygen around the body to where they are needed. Water is required for breaking down food, and burning fat. In fact, for every calorie(kcal) we take in through food, we need 1 milliliter (ml) of water to break it down. Given that the average calorie requirement for adults is 2,000 - 2,500 kcal per day, adults should be drinking 2 - 2.5 liters of water per day. Every day. In hot or humid places, or during periods of high physical or emotional stress, more than this may be needed.

How to tell if you're getting enough water.
Next time you answer natures call, check the colour of your stream. It should be clear. If it's not clear, increase your intake of water (unless you've taken a high strength vitamin supplement; then it'll probably be florescent no matter how much you drink!).

So what if i don't drink enough water?
You mightn't realise it, but you don't have to be severely dehydrated before it starts to have a negative effect on you. Research has shown that as little as 1% dehydration is enough to cause a decrease in memory & reasoning amongst other mental functions, as well as a drop in physical performance and coordination.

Is there such a thing as too much water?
Yes, and it can be fatal. But it's rare, and mainly happens to ecstasy users who consume in excess of 6 liters of water in a period of a few hours. Up to 4 liters spread over a day has no associated risk.

Do you drink enough water, or do you find it difficult? Let me know in the comments & i'll give you some specifically tailored advice.